
Customer Testimonials

They were the only ones to actually respond to my request for a ridge vent and they did a great job and were super responsive. I would 100% recommend them

– Zach Motter

We got a new roof in a day with a lifetime guarantee for a good price. Very fast.

– ric conrad

Hershberger Brothers Roofing John Weaver and crew were polite, clean and professional. I will be having Hershberger Brothers Roofing to do more work.

– Christine Casey

We contacted Hershberger Brothers roofing to install a new metal roof on our house. Everything they did from the quote to cleaning up at the end of the job was timely and professional. I would not hesitate to recommend them .

– Charles Williams

Hershberger Brothers Roofing was very prompt, fair and courteous. We appreciate the quick and professional response. They even handled the tree removal from the storm damage for us. Great company!

– Tammy Rigby

Mervin and Marvin are great guys
– Gavin Miles